Sunday, February 1, 2009

Czarist Russia:peasants

Peasants in Russia led a life devoted to work and hardships. They relied on farming to just about support their families. This work was not only unfavored for its low income- especially during the Russo-Japanese War and WWI but because of the poor soil and outdated working equipment.They were also forced to give their surplus of crops to the government. These poor Russian families lived in a shed like home called an Izba. It was a simple one room hut made of straw, wood and manure. At best there would be a bench, stove and chairs in the room which only made the tight space more crowded. When the peasants weren't working, they would play games, and drink. They looked to the Tsar for hope, help and motivation and saw him as their father. Peasants were in favor of a revolution in Russia and eventually the March revolution occurred causing the czar to step down from power

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Imperialism Motives

Imperialism is intended to make everyone the same by spreading common morals and beliefs. This allows for no cultural differences between separate groups of people.
Nations such as France and Great Britain succeeded at imperialism by forming colonies in Africa including French West Africa or Britain East Africa. There are many motives of imperialism. A few of these are, Economic, Ideological motives, and religious motives. The reason money is a drive of imperialism is because in other nations, labor can be done at a lesser expense. Ideological is a motive because people who believe they are superior want to spread their ideas and ways of life to the so called "savages". Religion causes imperialism because the British want to convert everyone to Christianity.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Industrial Revolution

Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain?

The industrial revolution originated in Great Britain in the early 19th century, due to advances in agriculture such as the plow, and seed drill. These significant farming tools allowed for more work to be done with the help of fewer employees. Prior to these changes, rural places were far more populated compared to urban areas. People eventually began to migrate to the city in search of work after improved technology won their job over. These agricultural developments inevitably led to the an industrial revolution, starting with the making of textiles. A reason these busy cities were able to sustain the manufacturing business successfully, was because of the Atlantic Ocean surrounding it.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dom Pedro

Born October 1798, Dom Pedro was the son o John VI of Portugal and Charlotte of Spain. When Napoleon conquered Portugal in 1807, Pedro accompanied the royal family in its flight to Brazil. He remained there as regent when King John returned to Portugal in 1821. He issued a declaration of Brazilian independence on Sept. 7, 1822 and three months later he was crowned king, no war necessary. Dom Pedro went on to rule and eventually died of natural causes in Portugal.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Describe Napoleon’s character and leadership style and discuss how Napoleon has had positive and/or negative effects on Europe using specific examples and details.

Napoleon was an arrogant, ambitious man that led his army on conquests to expand France. He made sure all his men were respectful to the people that were being conquered. Napoleon effected people positively by bringing uniformity to Europe and helping them out of debt. A disadvantage of Napoleon's rule was the Napoleonic codes. These laws promoted male dominance and supported schools for boys only.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Frech Revolution

Why was the French Revolution a significant movement in history and would you consider the French Revolution a success?

The French Revolution was an important part of history because it got rid of the poor monarchy and helped France out of their debt and bad times. The revolution was a sucess because it improved France as a country and took king louis the sixteenth from power, where all the problomes came from.

The Enlightenment

Blog Question - How did the Enlightenment philosophers influence change in society?

The Enlightenment philosophers influenced change because their ideas made people think and use reason. They also stressed democracy as the best possible form of government for society.